The 28-Day Immunity Plan Introduction

The 28-Day Immunity Plan Introduction introduces a book written in response to covid with recipes and exercises to boost your immune system. The videos in this section explain about the Plan and some of the theory behind it.

A strong and healthy immune system is important at any age but now, more than ever, it’s vital to protect yourself from illness, especially in later life.

The book contains practical nutritional advice and a daily eating plan, also a safe and effective progressive exercise programme suitable for everyone.

Get fighting ft at home in less than a month with this simple, effective plan designed to boost your body’s natural defences, help you get in shape and increase your chances of living a longer, happier life

The 28-Day Immunity Plan Introduction

A quick explanation of how The 28-Day Immunity Plan can help you boost your immune system.

The risks of Covid and obesity

Being overweight or obese can put us at greater risk from Covid. Here Rosemary explains how we can effectively lose weight and boost our immune system.

Why exercise is crucial to our immunity

Whether you are young or old, we all progress our fitness when we exercise regularly. Very importantly, exercise plays a crucial role in boosting our immunity.

Easy guide to Immunity Boosting Foods

Understanding which foods are good for your gut and support your immune system.